gamestop ipod touch trade in value

iFans – GameStop Now Offering Trade-Ins for Mobile Apple Devices.
Jul 13, 2012. Page 11 - Gamestop 50onus in-store credit trade-in on iPod, iPhone or. Secondly, with the extra $50, they reduced the starting trade value (as stated before). .. should i ebay or craigslist my ipod touch 2nd gen 8gb?
List of TRADE-IN values as posted by Gamestop for all iPod Touch versions as of 9/28/2012. iPod Touch Gen. 1 $57(8GB), $64(16GB), $71(32GB). iPod Touch.
May 14, 2012. When you trade in something at GameStop they don't give you anywhere near the value of what they sell it for. So if for example they. To get an iPod touch you would have to make up the difference in price. Helpful (1) Fun. Trade-In Store.
gamestop ipod touch trade in value
How much would GameStop give for my iPod touch 2nd generation.

iPod nano(R) Gen 3 4GB - Silver (GameStop Premium Refurbished.
Oct 8, 2011. Page 2 of 2 - gamestop ipod trade in prices.. - posted in Request or Get Advice on a Video Game Deal: What's an iPhone shuffler worth? I got my 2nd Gen ipodtouch 32GB from a yard sale for 20$ it has a fuzzy white screen I.
Trade in your electronics for an Gift Card. Get an offer immediately, . Trade-in Value: up to $890.00. Apple iPod nano 16 GB 5th. Apple iPod touch 8 GB (1st Generation) (Discontinued by Manufacturer). Trade-in Value: up to.
Sep 6, 2011. iPod Touch and iPad on the way to Gamestop, Trade-ins Get Store Credit. means that your outdated iPhone now carries some trade-in value.
Sep 6, 2011. While we're sure you appreciate that iPod Nano your Nana got you for your birthday, it's not such a great gift compared to your current gen iPod.
Jul 12, 2012. Gamestop's website was down this morning. When it came back up, the trade in values for iOS devices dropped. For instance, yesterday the.
Sep 13, 2011. GameStop Now Officially Accepting iOS Device Trade-Ins.. "A store associate will tell you the value of your trade items and give you cash or.
GameStop to start accepting (and reselling) iOS device trade-ins.
Rumor: GameStop to carry iOS devices, new and used | TUAW - The.
iTrade, new trade-in program at Gamestop (iPod, iPhone, iPad.

GameStop is not affiliated with or endorsed by Apple Inc. iPod nano®, iPhone®, and. Check out the current trade values to sell or trade-in your iPad®, iPod® or.
Sep 12, 2011. GameStop, which has been testing trade-ins of Apple iPods, iPhones. "Many iPod, iPhone and iPad trade values are significantly higher than.