regular expression tool c

The Regex Coach - interactive regular expressions - Edi Weitz.
Feb 27, 2012. RegEx TestBed is a regular expression testing tool written in WinForms C# released in 2007. It is now made open source. Screenshot.png.
I want a regular expression for Decimal(10,4), means Maximum 10 digits, after decimal point(only 4 allowed).. Can you write a query in C# or VB. .. Its working,when I tried on some online regex tools like
Regular Expression Explorer extension.
c# - A beginner's guide to interpreting Regex? - Stack Overflow.
Pb.NET/C# : Regex.Match() never ends - Stack Overflow.
regular expression tool c
I want a Regex for Decimal(10,4) - MSDN - Microsoft.
Learning to Use Regular Expressions - Gnosis Software Homepage.
Version 1 did not support regular expressions at all. awk: The awk UNIX tool and programming language uses POSIX ERE. C#: As a.NET programming.
Speed up your regular expressions with atomic grouping.. Tools & Languages . The regular expression a(bc|b)c (capturing group) matches abcc and abc.
Since you specifically tagged C#, I recommend the Regex Hero as a tool you can use to play around with them since it's running on.NET.
A large number of tools incorporate regular expressions as part of their .. /a{5} b{ ,6} c{4,8}/ aaaaa bbbbb ccccc aaa bbb ccc aaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbbb ccccc /a+.
Regex Tutorial - Continuing at The End of The Previous Match.
regular expression tool c
C# regex optional group not working - Stack Overflow.RegEx TestBed - A regular expression testing tool written in.
Kvalley's RegEx Creator - Kvalley Computers and Internet.