if then else statement crystal reports

if then else statement crystal reports
Crystal Reports If Then Else - statement problem.Crystal report with multiple if/Else with assignments.
Crystal Reports Forum : Crystal Reports 9, X, XI, 2008, 2011 : Technical. The if- then statement treats the code between "then.else" and.
Jul 5, 2012. More discussions in SAP Crystal ReportsWhere is place located? If pagenumber MOD 2 = 0 then true else If {Student__02_03_.. For some reason, Crystal does not evaluate the IF <condition> THEN FALSE correctly on.
Subject: [Crystal Reports User's Group] Re: If-then-else with nulls "Mike" < aggies0276903@.> asked: > I'm trying to get a if then else statement to work.
I'm a non-tech person who is currently trying to use Crystal 10. At a past job I used an. You just use "if condition then result else other result".
Sep 10, 2011. I am having some problem using Nested IF-ELSE in Crystal Report. it display the result, if i add another condition then it should also work.
if then else statement crystal reports
Crystal Reports If statement not working.Crystal Reports Nested if then else.
Topic: Nested if statement, Post Reply Post New Topic. else. if Days worked >= 5400 and 5430 then 15. Right now it doesn't like the AND.
If-Then-Else Formulas - Crystal Reports 10: The Complete Reference.
Crystal Reports Multiple If Then Else Statements - Crystal Reports Training, Books, and Forum.
For one string field in crystal report i wish to write up formula where if that field is . IF Isnull({mysp;1.mystringfield}) Then "No Value" Else {mysp.
I am trying to write a formula field to return a value based on the following syntax: If ({Sourcing_H.
Crystal Reports selection coding "if" statement.
Problem Of Using If Else Statement In Crystal Report Vb.net - VB.
Topic: Nested if statement, Post Reply Post New Topic. else. if Days worked >= 5400 and 5430 then 15. Right now it doesn't like the AND.
I figured it out. I had it set to Basic Syntax rather than Crystal Syntax..
If you achive this first of all you create a formula in crystal report form then apply this. if({field_1}='A') Then Sum ({field_2}) else if ({field_3}='D').